Meet Susannah

"I believe that all bodies are incredible, and worthy of respect, kindness and care. My mission is to enable people who have been body shamed by health professionals to feel confident in discussing their health again without fear of judgement or shame".

My earliest memories involve the mouth-watering colours, aromas and flavours which were essential elements of family life in a Mediterranean-inspired home. One of my favourite pastimes was helping in the kitchen, and this love of food has inspired me ever since.  


For me, food is much more than nutrition, although that’s hugely important. It’s inextricably linked with community, celebration and culture.  Its impact in our lives can range from the ethical to the emotional and beyond.


My first career was in education, and I have loved inspiring both adults and children to achieve things they never believed possible.  I combined this experience with my passion for food, and a desire to make a real difference when I took a 4-year BSc course in Nutritional Therapy at the University of Westminster, graduating with First Class Honours in 2013.


You’ve probably noticed that I’m plus-size, and you may well wonder what a person like me has to offer to someone like you in the way of nutritional advice. My personal experience with both weight stigma and depression coupled with my academic knowledge and my experience of working with people from a huge variety of backgrounds enables me to understand your unique needs and offer you:

  • A genuine listening ear
  • A truly non-judgemental approach
  • A response based on evidence and experiences, not on assumptions
  • Realistic action planning, consistent with the way that you prefer to work

If this sounds like a refreshing change, or an approach that may be right for you please contact me for a free, no-obligation chat.


I created the term ‘size-friendly’ to express my passionate belief that all bodies are incredible bodies, worthy of dignity, respect and support to fulfil their potential, without having to shrink.  You don’t need to be thinner to be healthier.  Read more here.


I see my role as empowering and inspiring you in order to explore how nutrition may help you achieve your personal health goals and enable you to have a happier relationship with your wonderful body at any size and at any time of life. Please contact me, and we can discuss how I can help you eat well and feel better.

Fun info about me

Born in: South East London

Happy Place: Scottish Highlands

Favourite food: Avocado, aubergine, artichoke (and chocolate!)

Hates eating: Celery, green smoothies

Favourite cooking style: Asian, Middle Eastern

Physical activities: Dance, Burlexercise, Walking, Tennis

Favourite dress style: Vintage 1950s

Favourite music styles: Musical theatre, swing

Favourite colour: Purple

Non-nutrition passions: Theatre (performing and watching), crafting, teaching and learning Hebrew

Favourite animal: Horse

Dream destination: Thailand

Mottos: “Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules and live a life you’re proud to live” (Anne Sweeney)

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” (Oscar Wilde)

My Values

I value integrity.  Therefore I undertake to practice according to my values and not to compromise my values in order to be popular or accepted.


I believe in body autonomy.  You know your body best and have the right to make informed choices about how to work with it.  It’s my job to give you reliable information and to support you in the choices you make. 


I value intellectual honesty.  I aim to read and study reputable material in order to further my knowledge and understanding, even when that material challenges my preconceived ideas.


I value creativity.  Therefore I will work with you to devise interventions that are appropriate for your needs and preferences. 


I value kindness enormously.  My aim is that you will only experience kindness and respect when working with me. I can’t banish the bad experiences you may have had in the past, but I want to show you that health doesn’t have to look or feel like that.



“You have been such a source of encouragement and inspiration to me! You are kind, funny, down to earth. You have been in my kitchen for months and I love your honesty and friendliness.”

Claire, South London